I seriously am sick after watching this video. I knew going into this I wasn't going to like it. I have read and discussed books similar to this topic before, like Fast Food Nation and Chew on This. We are in this world that has become so industrialized that we have allowed ourselves to forget our foundational understanding of what is right and what is clearly wrong. When the one important, edumacated guy stuck his hand into the stomach of an animal to feed it, my stomach sunk. No matter the IQ, we know that is simply wrong. The justification given is just sickening, like "Oh, we are forced to do this because of money," or "it doesn't hurt them," or "we're just helping society." WHY NOT STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT!!!! Another disturbing point in the video was the little chickadees going for a ride on a conveyerbelt only to meet their doom at the end of the roll. SERIOUSLY! MURDERERS! Okay, so I definitly believe as humans, we are to take part of the natural life cycle and eat animals, but, we are to respect them and treat them with some sort of dignity. When the Indians hunted way back in the day, they were sure to use every piece of what they killed. Nothing went to waste and no animal suffered. It was appreciated, respected, and most importantly, they were grateful of them and nature. This new industrial way of America and it's fast food demands is every thing opposite from the right way. I am actually angry by this. Seeing this first hand makes me think of my own choices in the food I choose. I haven't eaten eggs, chicken, or any dairy since this movie. All I keep thinking about are the animals that suffer. I will eventually eat meat again, but only when I learn how to appropriately pick out the right products to ensure that I am not promoting what these people are doing.
Lia Dunn
11/16/2011 12:41:55 am

I agree with you this movie is seriously making me sick. I can't believe this is what goes into for preparing our food. I am so sick to my stomach from seeing the chicks, chickens, etc get beheaded! I really don't know how much more I can take! This is animal abuse!


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